Workshop Write Ups are Now Avaliable!
New and seasoned users love SyTech’s free live workshops. Each workshop now comes complete with a full PDF write up of its content. These documents include an Overview of the workshop. As well as a detailed synopsis of the workshop and its main points. These write ups can be found in the More Information link under each of the workshops listed here.
If you haven’t signed up for any of the free live workshops yet, consider signing up for one or more of the upcoming workshops. They are a wealth of information, free of charge and run by an XLReporter professional. The workshops are currently schedule through to the end of July with more to come! That is to say, if you do not see a topic that is exactly what you are looking for, sign up for one that seems close and pose the question to the presenter at the end to get the information you need. Or better yet, suggest a future workshop topic that you would like to see discussed!