SyTech Is 25 Years Old
How Did We Start?
During a group brain storm to pick our company name, one member suggested “P Squared” written as a mathematical formula. She explained that since the founders were both called Peter, it seemed appropriate and original. Well, the nerd in us took hold and we could not wait until the following morning to register with the State of Massachusetts.
At the State office we discovered that the name had been reserved but the reservation would expire that Wednesday so we waited. On Wednesday we left the State office holding our registered name and marched forward with our logo design for letter headed paper and business cards.
A few days later we get a call from a representative of the Company that had made the reservation. They explained that they had been planning on extending the registration. “But we just had letter headed paper and business cards printed” we explained, “together with advertisements.”
After an agreement, we went back to the State office and exchange P Squared for SyTech, a marriage of System and Technology. With our settlement check in hand SyTech was born and we have never looked back.

From our base of operations in beautiful Franklin MA, we will continue to live up to the standard we have cultivated over the past 25 years and continue to develop the XLReporter Software and provide our customers with First Class Support.
Thanks to everyone, past and present.
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